Irish Home Educators Online – Websites, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook

Community is important to me. To support you in this, I have compiled a list of Irish home educators online that I have come across on my time on this home education journey, some of them very recently as I created this post! They are in no particular order. I have included links and the description from their page.
I also compiled a list of Facebook groups, which you may find helpful for asking questions and for connecting with others in your area.
Irish Organisations for Home Educating/Home Schooling
Home Education Network (HEN) Ireland is an “all-embracing organisation, welcoming all people involved with, or with an interest in, home education. The organisation was established in 1999 by a group of home educating parents to offer advice and support to home educating families in Ireland and those considering home education as an option for their family. It is a non-profit organisation run by voluntary home educating parents.”
HEN (Home Education Network) also creates a newsletter for members. It comes out every few months and has an adult and a children’s A5 newsletter. Any home educated child can submit their work by email – pictures, stories, reviews, etc. Mine enjoy seeing their work in the newsletter and always sit down for a read when it arrives to enjoy seeing and reading what others have done.
ICHEA – The Irish Christian Home Educators Association “was established in 2007 to represent the rights of Home educators in Ireland & also to provide a platform for Christian Home Educators in Ireland to develop contact, in addition to providing ongoing support.”
TUSLA – Home Education and Attending Non Recognised Schools – Official information from Tusla and how to register.
Irish Home Educator’s blogs, Instagram and Youtube channels
Happy Healthy Christian Kids – Kate is a trained Montessori directress who is now home educating her two children in Ireland using the Montessori method. Join her email list to enjoy her lovely emails. She runs courses online and does personal coaching. Her vision is equipping Christian Mums to pursue their dreams, walk in God’s plans and strengthen their family.
Kate’s website to join her email list and her Facebook page.
That Irish Schoolhouse – Carol chats on Youtube about “Homeschooling in Ireland – the highs the lows and the unknown. Revealing the most asked questions, and what life as a homeschooling mom in Ireland is really like.”
Worthy Paideia – Living and Learning through a Gospel Lens. Annie blogs about home educating her three children. She is seeking to raise and educate her “children in a gospel-saturated culture in a way that fits the nature and value of the amazing grace of God shown to all of us.” Annie is on Instagram.
Jennifer Kehoe, a Catholic mom of six and a former librarian, who is now home educating her youngest has put together Pinterest pages of her favourite books by topic. She also reviews her favourite books regularly on her Facebook page Beautiful Illustrated Children’s Books, showing the insides in detail with photos and videos. She talks about what she is using on Youtube including Maths, History, Creative Writing, Catholic Faith Formation and Faith Formation for Older Children/Teens. Before starting her home education journey Jennifer also used to blog.
Our Literacy Feast – Olufunmike blogs about their “unique interpretation of the Charlotte Mason Philosophy in a Christian, Multicultural and Neuroatypical Household” in Ireland. Olufunmike is on Instagram.
Fair Weather Paddler – “Nature lover. Garden experimenter. Wannabe homesteader. Homeschool mammy to two gorgeous girls. Professional dreamer.” over on Instagram.
Perfectly Good – “I’m Catherine, lover of many things but especially books, family, home-education, nature, and my little dogs (not necessarily in that order). I live in Ireland, although a small part of my heart remains in Australia where I’ve lived about half of my life.” “Perfect is the enemy of good. Too often the struggle for perfection hijacks our creativity and, frankly, spoils the fun.” Now, in an attempt to practice what she preaches she is blogging at Perfectly Good.
Rainbow Schooling – Arita is a Muslim, born in Latvia, home educating her 8 year old here in Ireland. She shares her experience, ideas and different things they do at home and outside on Facebook and Instagram.
White Fort Home – “West of Ireland Mum of Three Girls, Secular Homeschooler, Wild And Free” posts over on Instagram.
Tashakellyie – “Irish Homeschoolers, Readers, Eaters, Type 1 Mama.” “I’m a mother to two, one child with Type 1 diabetes and how we are a home educating family on low income showing homeschooling doesn’t have to cost the earth. Following our own interpretation of the Charlotte Mason philosophy.” over on Instagram.
Homeschool Five – Christian Homeschooling in Dublin Ireland – “My name is Janet. I’m a Christian, a mom to five precious kids, a wife to my best friend Denis and a full-time homeschooler! Follow me on my journey and see what books we enjoy, places we go and my experiences homeschooling toddlers to the teen years.” over on Facebook.
The Smart Happy Project’s mission is to connect families to nature through natural geometry and nature studies. There are numbers in nature all around us and it is a language we can learn. Lisa says “it is the shared moments of wonder which I most enjoy and want to share”.
Irish Home Education Facebook Groups General (Facebook Groups by Area below)
This website is focused on the Classical and Charlotte Mason approach to home education. However, the below list is all the Irish Facebook groups that I am aware of. There are general ones and groups focused on other approaches.
Search, and if you don’t find, ask, if you are looking for others with a particular mindset in a particular area or with particular ages of children. Home educators tend to travel.
All meetups are a home educating parent organising something, so if you want to do something with other home educators feel free to organise meetups and to invite others.
- Home School Group Ireland Lisa runs this very busy, helpful, general homeschooling group. Check the files section for useful documents, including a FAQ document, suggestions to help with filling in forms for Tusla and how to access Public Health Services while home educating.
- Irish Homeschoolers Buy, Sell and Swap
- Charlotte Mason Ireland
- Home Education Network (HEN) Ireland (Only for members of HEN Ireland)
- Home Education Network Ireland – HEN
- Irish Home Education
- Irish Christian Home Educators Association
- Catholic Home Educators in Ireland
- CHESS Ireland (Catholic Home Education Support Society)
- Irish structured/semi structured Home Education
- Gameschoolers
- Irish Unschoolers
- Home Edders in School
- Home Ed Camping and Adventures
- Autism homeschoolers (Ireland)
- Home ed Teens
Irish Home EducationFacebook Groups by Area
- Home Education in Cork (and surrounding areas)
- Dublin Area Home Education
- Donegal Home Education
- Galway
- Galway group for under 8s
- Kilkenny Home education
- Kildare and Neighbours –
- Home Education (Laois and surrounding counties) Group
- Leitrim and surrounds home education group
- Limerick/Clare Home Educate
- Mayo Sligo Home Educators
- Meath Home Educators
- Roscommon Homeschooling
- Tipperary
- Homeschoolers & Unschoolers in Tipperary
- Homeschooling in Waterford
- Wicklow Home Education
- Wicklow Home Edventures
- West Wicklow Home Educators
- Greystones Area Home Ed Group
- Wexford
- Home Education in the North West
- Home Education in Northern Ireland – HEdNI
- More Northern Ireland groups contactable through that FB group Craigavon, County Armagh G.H.E.C.C.O.